Possibilities Chapter Five

Possibilities Chapter Five

Before you read Chapter Five, the ending, get started with the other four – Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four Douglas slipped into bed just as his phone vibrated on his nightstand. Thanks for tonight. He was surprised at how excited he was...
Possibilities Chapter Two

Possibilities Chapter Two

Haven’t read the first chapter yet? Read it here. Douglas zipped down the aisles of his local grocery store. He had a list, and was trying to see how fast he could get through it. He hated shopping, more so now with the six-foot rule. He maneuvered his cart into...
A Moment In Time – Renee and Bradley

A Moment In Time – Renee and Bradley

This Is A Moment In Time Just a special look in on characters you’ve grown to love… As a writer, I often think about my characters and wonder what they’d be doing long after the final page of my books. So I created A Moment In Time to peek in on each of my...