Why do I write? Because I can. But that’s really too simple of an explanation.

Most people have this problem of not thinking with their hearts. They let the world carry on around them without considering actions and outputs.

Writing stops that. I write so I can think. And I write because it allows me to process my thoughts and put them into words.

I’ve imagined a place where I can’t write because I don’t have the skills.

And believe me, there are a lot of females that can’t write. Over 750 million adults can’t write, and up to two-thirds of them are women.

What would it be like to live where all you know is what’s around you? To live in a world that only exists by what happens to you each day?

To not be able to pick up a book and read. Or visit a bookstore and visit faraway lands. Or not being able to have your world expand by diving into magazines and newspapers and novels.

What would it be like to not be able to go online and dive into cultures and opinions from around the world?

To not be able to focus on building a future by reading things written by the sharpest minds in the world.

To not be able to process the good and the bad all around me. To not make decisions for myself.

To not know enough to find research and resources and statistics and facts. To not be able to understand the core issues and use them to make better, informed decisions.

Thinking is everything. Learning changes who you are.

Hearing brings it all in.

But writing? That’s something different.

Because writing involves deeper commitment.

Writing is the process of thinking on paper. Writing takes skill to transfer knowledge into a readable format. To listen to ideas, to put them into a usable concept, and create a tangible way of being able to communicate it in an entirely new way.

That’s why I write. It happens every day. Whether I write in my journal, I create a blog post, or I add words to my novel.