Weekend Getaway: Leavenworth Washington

Weekend Getaway: Leavenworth Washington

  [Part of my Weekend Getaway series.] When my husband and I were trying to decide what to do for our anniversary this year, we played with lots of ideas. A week in California? A week in Hawaii? Back to Mexico for a week? And while I’m ready to jump at any travel...
What I’m Reading Now

What I’m Reading Now

I have a confession to make. I’m kind of addicted to books. All books. Not one specific genre. Anything. I get my reading lists from everywhere. If I see someone make a recommendation, I read what they have to say. If I’m interested, I put it on my reading list. I’ll...
Cover Reveal: The Coach

Cover Reveal: The Coach

It’s been a little slow spring-into-summer, but summer’s here in more ways than one. The temperatures are finally – FINALLY – creeping up. I know I’m in the Pacific Northwest, but I’m more than ready for a string of 80 degree days....
Eating What’s Local

Eating What’s Local

Farmers markets are crazy good here in the Pacific Northwest. If you head just a few miles out of town, you’ll find the local farmers grow just about everything. And that means they have just about everything available to bring to the market. Once a week they load up...
What Romance Means When You’re In Midlife

What Romance Means When You’re In Midlife

I was filling out a form the other day to include one of my books in an upcoming promotion. I made my way through the boxes, carefully considering my answers. Title – that’s easy. Author – that one too. But then I came across the question of style. Steamy...
Why Every Bucket List Should Include Travel

Why Every Bucket List Should Include Travel

If you could do anything in life, right now, where money was no object, what would you do? Would you travel? Studies consistently show it tops everyone’s lists. A study by Ketchum Global Research Network found that 69 percent of us create lists for the things we want...