Let’s Write Romance – And Win Prizes

Let’s Write Romance – And Win Prizes

Happy February! This is one of my favorite months of the year. Maybe it’s because pink and red are everywhere … and pink is my favorite color! It might also be because it’s the month I became a mom. My daughter was due February 8th. But like most first babies, she...
All Romance, All The Time

All Romance, All The Time

  I’ve always enjoyed a good romance novel. But ever since I became a romance author, they’ve literally become my world. I love pondering how characters could come together. I twist and turn current events, trying to find storylines in everything. And of course,...
Why Playlists Are A Romance Writer’s Best Friend

Why Playlists Are A Romance Writer’s Best Friend

What sets the stage for just about everything we do in life? Music of course. We use it everywhere. Head to a baseball game, every player has his own song. Attend a wedding. The couple will dance to something meaningful to the two of them. As a writer and blogger, I...