Happy February!
This is one of my favorite months of the year. Maybe it’s because pink and red are everywhere … and pink is my favorite color! It might also be because it’s the month I became a mom.
My daughter was due February 8th. But like most first babies, she didn’t want to come on her due date.
The year she was born, our wedding photography business was booming. We had people changing their dates just so they could have us photograph their events. But we knew booking a wedding in February was out of the question. So we said no to everyone … but one client – a client we had history with – had to have us for their Valentine’s Day event.
Our reason for saying no wasn’t an excuse. I was due – I couldn’t be jumping up and down with a camera, no matter if I’d had her or not. But still, they asked. Again. And again. And being a sucker for romance, we finally caved. We came up with a solution.
A dear friend agreed to photograph with Andrew – just in case. If he could be there, he would. They’d shoot the wedding together.
Valentine’s Day came, and still no baby. So off the two of them went, over 60 miles from home.
The snow came down. The weather … wow. Let’s just say I knew beyond a reasonable doubt that Valentine’s Day would be the night.
Andrew photographed that wedding. He finally made it home in the wee hours of the morning.
But our little girl stayed put. She wanted her daddy there when she finally made her appearance, just a few days later.
And the event! It went off perfectly! The bride and groom were beautiful, and because it was at a resort in Colorado, the guests had nowhere else to be. They happily celebrated with lots of pink and red. Their wedding was truly lovely – even though I only saw the pictures. 😉
Yep, I’m a sucker for romance.
Still am.
Maybe that’s why writing romance made its way onto my bucket list.
It’s Valentine’s Day … let’s celebrate!
I can’t resist the pretty little Valentine’s day gifts I find as I shop at my favorite stores. So I’ve decided that this Valentine’s day, I’m going to share some of the things I find with you.
Yep, it’s February. And it’s time to giveaway some more goodies in my Mystery Box.
I have not one, not two, not three, but four prizes I’ll be giving away on Valentine’s day. All you have to do is enter your name right here on this form, and you’ll have a chance at one of the four prizes.
But being a sucker for romance, I thought I’d write a few stories for you too. And I want you to play along.
I receive lots of email from my fan base. And I know a lot of you like to write as well. Are you ready to try your hand at writing romance? We’ll do it together, you and me.
Earlier this year, I created a post on writing great love stories. I use these very strategies for every story I write.
So let’s use them right now and create a few short stories.
Day One
Today is picture day. Here’s the photo. Here’s the couple. Who are they and what’s their story?
I’ll be back next week with my story. If you love to write and want to participate, you can post a comment and share your story too.
Happy February everyone. It’s time to celebrate!
Sign up to win February’s Mystery Boxes Now!