I was invited to run an event on AskMeAnything and I wanted you to have a chance to get your questions in too.

I’m slow traveling the world, currently living in a little place in the Pacific Northwest. I’ve written five romance novels for women over 40 and two nonfiction for women wanting to reinvent themselves in midlife.

How’d I get here? Glad you asked.

It all started over twenty years ago when my husband and I started a little wedding photography business and decided we’d put our studio online instead of opening up a commercial office. In the late 1990s, we had over 20,000 images online. Yep, that was dial-up time, and couples would spend hours searching through our site at a snail’s pace. We got a lot of attention. Couples booked us around the world. We also got the attention of a traditional publisher and my first book, Studio Without Walls was born.

That morphed into a coaching business for photographers with over a dozen books self-published. My books covered everything business and marketing related for photographers wanting to build a healthy, successful business.

But times change. Our daughter grew. And as she contemplated what college to attend, I discovered something called “Gap Year” and I was enthralled. (My daughter, not so much.)

So we sold off our family home. Got rid of most of our stuff. Sold off the photography business and set out to “find ourselves” in this big world.

But I wasn’t done writing. I knew I had a book (or two, or three) left in me. So I went back to the drawing board and asked myself what I wanted to write about next.

Since I was right smack dab in the middle of reinventing my own life, I said, “Why not?” Surely I have a few things to say about reinventing yourself in midlife, things that others could learn from too. I have two books on Getting Unstuck at VisionOfSuccess.com

I also love romance novels. But if you’ve read romance enough, you know a lot of them are about women that want to find their one true love, settle down and start having babies.

Been there. Done that.

I wanted to read about women just like me, facing divorce, death, caregiving, health issues, empty nests – you know, all the struggles that come in your 40s and 50s and beyond. We may have a lot on the table, but we still want love too! I had trouble finding it, so I started writing my own. And I now have 5 self-published romance novels – you can find them at LoriOsterberg.com

Come ask your questions on AskMeAnything!