[Part of my Weekend Getaway series.]

If I lived in Seattle, I’d want to live on one of the islands. There’s something magical about them. I love the thought of having to take a ferry into work each day. And having a home that has an incredible view, where the water laps at the edge of my property.

Okay, so I might never live in Seattle. And I probably won’t own a home on one of the islands. (Never say never, right?) But a girl can dream.

Even if it is only for a weekend.

We’ve been to Bainbridge Island several times over the years, but never stayed for a weekend. We normally ferry over from Seattle city center, play for the day, and ferry back to a hotel.

Thanks to our Winery Hunt Washington club, Bainbridge Island made the list this year. So we booked an Airbnb, and off we went.

To visit the wineries, we needed a car. Coming from Portland, you can head into Seattle and get there via a ferry. But we decided to head across the Tacoma Narrow Bridge, across the Puget Sound, and into Bainbridge Island the backway.

If you’re into bridges (I never was, until I moved to the Pacific Northwest.), the Tacoma Narrow Bridge is quite a sight. If you’re interested in the history, you can check it out here.

Bainbridge Island winery hunt featured three wineries: Eagle Harbor, Fletcher Bay, and Eleven.

We started out at Eleven, with great wines, an enjoyable tasting room tucked back into the forest, and a little entertainment while we sipped away. Eleven gets its name from bicycle racing, something the winemaker did before starting a winery. From there, we moved closer to town, and enjoyed more wine and great conversations.

When we booked the Airbnb, we wanted a view. We plugged the address into Siri and wound down through narrow roads, by driveways and hills, until we came to the end of the street. We pulled in and had our host meet us in the driveway. The walkout basement was ours, with living space, a full bath, and a bedroom. Check out this view!

The night sparkled even more, with Seattle just a few miles across from us, the twinkle of the stars up above.

Just try waking up to this view and not being happy!

And if you head downtown Bainbridge, be sure to check out Pegasus Coffee House. It’s an icon in the area. Great coffee. Wonderful snacks. And the perfect ambiance no matter what time of day you show up.

By Bainbridge Island, we’ll be back!