We’ve been invited to an annual dinner – we’ve been the past couple of years.

They release the menu early, and expect you to RSVP with your selections. I’m grateful they provide several options. We aren’t the only attendees who are vegetarian.

My husband emailed me the menu, and said he’d already made our selections.

Three choices for salad, three for the main entree, and three for dessert.

The salad was easy – the one without the fish or chicken.

The main entree was equally simple – the only one without meat.

But then there was dessert.

A chocolate brownie with loads of chocolate around it.

A key lime cookie sundae.

Or rice pudding.

I quickly texted him:

You should get the chocolate brownie. I’ll get the key lime cookie sundae.

Problem solved! Why choose one when you can have two?!

After several seconds, I got a text back.

🙂 Already taken care of. I knew you’d want those two.

Who says love is dead?